Project Description

Setting a robust strategy towards the future you want

Over the last years working as a consultant and in executive education programs (at the Boston College Corporate Citizenship Center, for example), made me realize how limited are most of the used frameworks for designing strategy. The main reason of this limitation is that we are operating in changing contexts and most of the frameworks are not designed for that .

My experience  has shown me that there are three elements which combination can be particularly powerful for designing strategy for changing contexts: 1.a contextual analysis of “what is coming and will be critical” (trends), 2.the definition of goals that take those trends into account, and 3. the use of appropriate tools.

For some years now I have been working with these 3 elements and am confident that it was an importangt step in adding value to the stragic planning approach most organizations use. Most strategic planning processes are based on  incremental improvements (and a bit of innovation, if you are lucky). This means the results of strategic planning eforts are mostly adaptations or reactions to current ones, not focused on “what is coming” nor on becoming resilient, ready to cope with changing contexts.  Well, the impact of that on the organization’s performance can be dramatic.

To define a strategy, or a plan, to get the organization where it wants to be in some years from now – takeing into account that the business context will change constantly- requires not only a good understanding of the value the organization delivers, but also of the forces that can change the context where it operates.

We will be glad to help you improving your strategic planning, by trully connecting it with societal trends! Get in touch to learn more.

by Nelmara Arbex


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